Edinburgh Dictionary of Continental Philosophy

Alphabetical List of Entries

December 3, 2004

[word counts in brackets]


abjection [Kristeva] [250]

absolute [Hegel] [250]

abstract machine [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

absurd (1) [Kierkegaard] [250]

absurd (2) [Sartre] [250]

active forgetting [Nietzsche] [250]

actor network theory [Latour] [250]

actual / virtual distinction [Bergson / Deleuze] [250]

Adorno, Theodor [1000]

aesthetic judgment [Kant] [250]

Aesthetics [1000]

affirmation [Derrida] [250]

African Philosophy [1000]

African socialism [Senghor] [250]

Agamben, Giorgio [500]

a-letheia [Heidegger] [250]

alienation (1) [Marx] [250]

alienation (2) [Beauvoir] [250]

alienation (3) [Sartre] [250]

Althusser, Louis [500]

Analytical Philosophy [1000]

angoisse [Sartre] [250]

Angst [Heidegger] [250]

Anthropology [1000]

Antiphilosophy (Lacan) [250]

antitheodicy [Jewish philosophy] [250]

anxiety (1) [Kierkegaard] [250]

anxiety (2) [Heidegger] [250]

anxiety (3) [Sartre]

Apel, Karl-Otto [500]

archaeology [Foucault] [250]

architectonic [architecture] [250]

Architecture [1000]

archi-writing [Derrida] [250]

Arendt, Hannah  [1000]

Asian Philosophy [1000]

assemblage [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

attunement (Befindlichkeit) [Heidegger] [250]

Aufhebung (sublation) [Hegel] [250]

aura [Benjamin] [250]

authenticity [Heidegger] [250]

auto-immunity [Derrida] [250]

autopoiesis [Varela] [250]


Bachelard, Gaston  [500]

bad conscience [Nietzsche] [250]

bad faith (1) [Beauvoir] [250]

bad faith (2) [Sartre] [250]

Badiou, Alain [500]

Bakhtin, Mikhail  [500]

Barthes, Roland  [500]

Bataille, Georges  [1000]

Baudrillard, Jean  [1000]

de Beauvoir, Simone  [1000]

becoming (1) [Bergson] [250]

becoming (2) [Deleuze] [250]

being-towards-death [Heidegger]  [250]

Benjamin, Walter  [500]

Bergson, Henri  [1000]

Biology  [1000]

biopower [Foucault] [250]

Blanchot, Maurice  [1000]

Bloch, Ernst  [500]

body without organs [Deleuze and Guattari]  [250]

Bourdieu, Pierre [500]

Brentano, Franz [500]

British Idealism [1000]

Buber, Martin [500]

Butler, Judith  [500]


Camus, Albert  [500]

Canguilhem, Georges  [500]

Caputo, John [500]

Casey, Ed [500]

Cassirer, Ernst  [500]

Castoriadis, Cornelius  [500]

categorial imperative [Kant] [250]

Cavaillès, Jean [500]

de Certeau, Michel [500]

Césaire, Aimé [500]

chiasm [Llewelyn; Derrida; Levinas]  [250]

Cioran, E. M. [500]

Cinema  [1000]

Cixous, Hélène [500]

codes (as semiotic systems) [250]

Cognitive Science [500]

Complexity Theory [500]

Comte, Auguste [500]

constituent/constituted power [Negri] [250]

constitution [Hegel] [250]

contradiction (1) [Hegel] [250]

contradiction (2) [Marx] [250]

Corporeal Feminism  [500]

Cosmopolitianism [1000]

creative evolution [Bergson] [250]

critical epistemology [LeDoeuff] [250]

Critical Legal Studies [1000]

Critical Theory / Frankfurt School  [1000]

Critique  [1000]

Croce, Benedetto  [500]

Cyberfeminism  [500]

Cybernetics  [500]


Dasein [Heidegger]  [250]

Davidson, Donald [500]

Death [1500]  [1000]

Debord, Guy  [500]

deconstruction [Derrida] [250]

deduction of categories [Kant] [250]

DeLanda, Manuel  [500]

Deleuze, Gilles  [2500]

DeMan, Paul [500]

democracy-to-come [à venir] [Derrida] [250]

Derrida, Jacques  [2500]

desiring-production [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

désouvrement [Blanchot] [250]

despair [Kierkegaard] [250]

deterritorialization [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

dialectic [Hegel] [250]

dialectical image [Benjamin]  [250]

dialectical materialism [Marx] [250]

dialogism [Bakhtin] [250]

différance [Derrida] [250]

Difference  [1000]

differend [Lyotard] [250]

differentiation [Deleuze] [250]

Dilthey, Wilhelm  [500]

disagreement [Rancière] [250]

disclosedness /resolute disclosedness [Heidegger] [500]

discourse ethics [Habermas]  [250]

Dreyfus, Hubert  [500]

drives [Freud]  [250]

dromology [Virilio] [250]

duration [Bergson] [250]

duty [Kant] [250]


earth and world [Heidegger] [250]

Eco, Umberto  [500]

Ecocriticism  [500]

Ecole Normale Supérieure  [500]

écriture féminine [Cixous] [250]

eidetic reduction [Husserl]  [250]

eidetic seeing [Husserl]  [250]

Ek-sistenz [Heidegger]  [250]

élan vital [Bergson] [250]

Embodiment  [1000]

empire [Negri]  [250]

enaction [Varela]  [250]

Engels, Friedrich  [500]

Enlightenment  [1000]

Environmental Philosophy  [1000]

episteme [Foucault] [250]

epistemological break [Canguilhem] [250]

Epistemology [2500]

epoché [Husserl]  [250]

Ereignis [Heidegger] [250]

essence (eidos) [Husserl]  [250]

essential solitude [Blanchot] [250]

essentialism (1) [Irigaray / feminism]  [250]

essentialism (2) [postcolonial theory]  [250]

eternal recurrence [Nietzsche] [250]

Ethics  [1000]

event [Badiou] [250]

existential analytic [Heidegger] [250]

Existentialism  [1000]

expenditure [Bataille] [250]

Experience  [1000]


face (of the other) [Levinas] [250]

Fanon, Frantz  [500]

Feminism  [2500]

Feminist Epistemology [2500]

Feminist Re-readings of the Tradition [1000]

Feuerbach, Ludwig  [500]

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb  [500]

fidelity (as criterion of truth) [Badiou] [250]

Fink, Eugen  [500]

Florensky [500]

flesh (of the world) [Merleau-Ponty] [250]

Foucault, Michel  [2500]

the fourfold [Heidegger] [250]

framing [Derrida] [250]

French Maoism [500]

Freud, Sigmund  [1000]

friend-foe relation [Schmitt] [250]

fundamental ontology [Heidegger]  [250]


Gadamer, Hans-Georg  [1000]

Gelassenheit [Heidegger] [250]

Gender  [1000]

Genealogy  [1000]

General Strike, Social Myth of [250]

Geography [1000]

German Idealism  [2500]

German Romanticism  [500]

Gestell (enframing) [Heidegger / technology] [250]

gift (1) [Derrida] [250]

gift (2) [Marion] [250]

Girard, René  [500]

governmentality [Foucault] [500]

Gramsci, Antonio  [500]

Guattari, Félix  [500]


Habermas, Jürgen  [1000]

habitus [Bourdieu] [250]

haecceity [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

Haraway, Donna  [500]

Hartmann, Nicolai [500]

Hegel, G.W.F.  [2500]

hegemony [Gramsci] [250]

von Herder, J.G.

Heidegger, Martin  [2500]

hermeneutic circle [Gadamer] [250]

Hermeneutics  [1000]

heteroglossia / monoglossia [Bakhtin] [250]

heteronormativity [Queer Theory]  [250]

heterotopia [architecture / Foucault] [250]

historical materialism [Marx] [250]

historicity [Heidegger]  [250]

History, Philosophy of  [1000]

Horkheimer, Max  [500]

hospitality [Derrida] [250]

von Humboldt, Alexander  [500]

Husserl, Edmund  [2500]

hybridity [postcolonial theory] [250]

Hyppolite, Jean  [500]


Idea (1) [Kant] [250]

Idea (2) [Hegel] [250]

Idea (3) [Deleuze] [250]

ideal speech situation [Habermas]  [250]

ideal type (Weber) [250]

identification [Freud]  [250]

Ideological State Apparatus [Althusser] [250]

ideology [Marx]  [250]

il y a [Levinas] [250]

imaginary [Lacan] [250]

immanence [Deleuze] [250]

immanent critique [Jameson] [250]

immaterial labor [Negri]  [250]

inclination [Kant] [250]

inessential other [Beauvoir] [250]

infinity [Levinas] [250]

information bomb [Virilio] [250]

Intellectual intuition [Kant, Fichte, Schelling] [500]

intensive difference [Deleuze] [250]

Intentionality  [1000]

interpellation [Althusser] [250]

Intersubjectivity [Husserl] [500]

intuition [Bergson] [250]

Irigaray, Luce  [2500]

iterability [Derrida] [250]

“I-Thou” relation [Buber] [250]


James, William  [500]

Jameson, Fredric [500]

Jaspers, Karl  [1000]

Jewish Philosophy [1000]

Jonas, Hans  [500]

jouissance Irigaray [250]


Kant, Immanuel [2500]

Kierkegaard, Søren [1000]

Kofman, Sarah [500]

Kojève, Alexandre [500]

Kristeva, Julia  [1000]


Lacan, Jacques  [1000]

Language [1000]

Latour, Bruno  [500]

Lebensphilosophie [500]

Le Doeuff, Michèle [500]

Leap of faith [Kierkegaard] [250]

Lefebvre, Henri [500]

Lefort, Claude [500]

Lenin, Vladimir  [500]

Levinas, Emmanuel  [1000]

Life, Philosophy of (Lebensphilosophie)  [1000]

limit situation [Jaspers] [250]

line of flight [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

Lingis, Alphonso [500]

Literary Theory  [1000]

Llewelyn, John  [500]

logocentrism [Derrida] [250]

Luhmann, Niklas  [500]

Lukács, Georg  [500]

Lyotard, Jean-François [1000]


MacIntyre, Alisdair  [500]

Marcel, Gabriel [500]

Marcuse, Herbert  [500]

Marion, Jean-Luc [500]

markedness [Jakobson]  [250]

Marx, Karl  [1000]

Marxism [2500]

Materialism [1000]

Mathematics, Philosophy and [500]

Memmi, Albert [500]

Memory [1000]

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice  [1000]

metaphoricity [Derrida] [250]

Metaphysics [1000]

metapolitics [Badiou / Rancière] [250]

mimesis [Irigaray]  [250]

mimetic desire [Girard] [250]

minor literature [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

Modernity [1000]

moment of vision (1) [Kierkegaard] [250]

moment of vision (2) [Heidegger] [250]

mourning and melancholia” [Freud]  [250]

multiplicities [Bergson] [250]

multiplicity [Deleuze] [250]

multitude [Negri]  [250]


Nancy, Jean-Luc  [500]

narrative voice [Blanchot] [250]

natality [Arendt]  [250]

Nature, Philosophy of [1000]

negative dialectics [Adorno] [250]

negative philosophy [Schelling] [250]

Negri, Antonio  [500]

négritude [Césaire; Senghor]  [250]

NeoKantianism  [1000]

Neo-Thomism [1000]

Nietzsche, Friedrich  [2500]

nihilism [Nietzsche] [250]

nomadology [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

Non-Soviet Russian philosophy  [500]

normalization [Foucault] [250]

the nothing” [Heidegger] [250]


ontological difference [Heidegger] [250]

onto-the-logy (critique of) [Heidegger, Derrida, Marion] [250]

order word [Deleuze and Guattari]  [250]

organism [Deleuze and Guattari / Varela]  [250]

Orientalism [postcolonial theory]  [250]

Ortega y Gasset, José [500]

overdetermination [Althusser] [250]

Overman [Übermensch] [250]


panopticon [Foucault]  [250]

paradigm and syntagm [Linguistics]  [500]

Parti Communiste Français  [500]

particularism [LeDoeuff] [250]

performativity [Butler] [250]

phallogocentrism  [250]

pharmakon [Derrida] [250]

phenomenological reduction [Husserl]  [250]

Phenomenology  [2500]

philosophical imaginary [LeDoeuff] [250]

plateau [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

Platonism, overturning of [1000]

play impulse [Schiller] [250]

positive philosophy [Schelling] [250]

positivism [Comte] [250]

postal principle [Derrida] [250]

Postcolonial Theory  [1000]

post-democrary [Rancière] [250]

Postmodernism [1000]

Poststructuralism [2500]

Potency [Schelling]

pour soi / en soi distinction (“for itself / in itself”) [Sartre] [250]

Power [1000]

Pragmatism [1000]

problematic [Althusser] [250]

project [Beauvoir] [250]

Psychoanalysis  [1000]

Psychology  [1000]


quantum mechanics [250]

quasi-object [Latour] [250]

Queer Theory  [1000]


Race / Race Theory  [1000]

Rancière, Jacques [500]

rationalization [Weber] [250]

real [Lacan] [250]

real subsumption [Negri/Marx]  [250]

reason (1) [Kant] [250]

reason (2) [Hegel] [250]

reification [Lukacs]  [250]

Religion, Philosophy of [1000]

Repetition [1500]

repressive desublimation [Marcuse]  [250]

responsibility [Derrida] [250]

ressentiment [Nietzsche] [250]

revaluation of all values [Nietzsche] [250]

rhizome [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

Ricoeur, Paul  [500]

Romantic Irony [500]

Rorty, Richard [500]

Rosenzweig, Franz  [500]

Russian Existentialism (Berdyaev, Shestov, ...) [500]


Sallis, John [500]

Sartre, Jean-Paul [1000]

saturated phenomenon [Marion] [250]

de Saussure, Ferdinand  [500]

the Saying and the Said” [Levinas] [250]

scapegoat [Girard] [250]

Scheler, Max  [500]

Schelling, F.W.J. [1000]

Schiller, Friedrich [500]

schizoanalysis [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

Schleiermacher, Friedrich  [500]

Schmitt, Carl [500]

Schopenhauer, Arthur [500]

Science Wars [250]

self-overcoming [Nietzsche] [250]

the semiotic [Kristeva] [250]

Semiotics  [1000]

Sense  [1000]

sensibility [Kant] [250]

Serres, Michel  [500]

Sex / sexuality  [1000]

sign [semiotics] [250]

signature [Derrida] [250]

signifier and signified  [500]

Simmel, Georg [500]

Simondon, Gilbert  [500]

simulacrum  [1000]

simulation [Baudrillard]  [250]

singularity [Deleuze] [250]

Situationism [Debord]  [250]

slave revolt in morality [Nietzsche] [250]

smooth / striated space [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

social constructivism [Feminism]  [250]

Socialisme ou Barbarie [Lefort, Castoriadis] [250]

socialized worker [Negri]  [250]

Sorel, Georges  [500]

Sovereignty [1000]

Space  [1000]

spectrality [Derrida] [250]

Speech Act Theory [500]

Spirit [Hegel] [250]

state of exception [Schmitt] [250]

stratification [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

Strauss, Leo [500]

Structuralism [1000]

Subject  [1000]

Subject, Topology of [Lacan]

supplement [Derrida] [250]

symbolic order [Lacan] [250]

symbolic exchange [Baudrillard]  [250]

synthetic a priori judgment [Kant] [250]


Taylor, Charles  [500]

techniques of the self [Foucault] [250]

Technology, Philosophy of [1000]

teleological judgment [Kant] [250]

teleological suspension of the ethical [Kierkegaard] [250]

Thought  [1000]

thrownness (Geworfenheit) [Heidegger] [250]

Time / temporality  [2500]

totality [Levinas] [250]

trace [Derrida] [250]

transcendental analytic [Kant] [250]

transcendental dialectic [Kant] [250]

transcendental ego (1) [Fichte] [250]

transcendental ego (2) [Husserl]  [250]

transcendental empiricism [Deleuze] [250]

transcendental unity of apperception [Kant] [250]

transversality [Guattari]   [250]

Truth [1000]


undecidability [Derrida] [250]

understanding (1) [Kant] [250]

understanding (2) [Weber] [250]

uneven development [Althusser] [250]

universal pragmatics [Habermas]  [250]


Varela, Francisco  [500]

Vattimo, Gianni  [1000]

Virilio, Paul [500]

vitalism [Biology] [250]

void [Badiou] [250]


war machine [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]

Weber, Max [1000]

Weil, Simone  [500]

Whitehead, Alfred North [500]

will-to-power [Nietzsche] [250]

will-to-truth [Nietzsche] [250]

Wittgenstein, Ludwig [1000]

worldhood (Weltlichkeit) [Heidegger] [250]


Young Hegelians  [1000]


Zizek, Slavov [500]