Home : Research Papers

Research Papers

My most recent books are all with University of Minnesota Press

Current working papers

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As these are drafts, please do not cite for publication w/o permission. Please do write me with any comments. All files are (.pdf) and open in a new window, except for the link to the Stanford article on Deleuze.

I'm shifting storage of recent work to this Googe Drive folder. Click to see what I've been doing.

Google Drive folder: revised outlines of Anti-Oedipus 11 February 2021

Draft: "Phenomenology of Blackout Rage in Extreme Berserker Episodes" 6 November 2019

Draft: "Human Nature: Multiplicity and Joy" 23 October 2017

Draft: "Affective Ideology and Trump's Popularity" (co-authored with Christian Helge Peters) 28 September 2017

Draft: "Rousseau and Contemporary Anthropology," 1 June 2017

Draft: "The Berserker Rage," 6 April 2017 (revised from 1 Jan and 1 March 2017 versions)

Draft: "Academic Freedom Aspects of the Steven Salaita Case," revised 4 March 17

Draft: "Deleuze and Guattari on Ideology," 16 August 2016

Draft: "Stanley on Ideology," 17 July 2016

Chapter 5, "The Political Economy of Consciousness," Life, War, Earth. 10 July 2016.

Translation of a few passages from F Lordon, La Société des affects. DRAFT of 20 February 2016.

Economies of Violence: Distinguished Visiting Professor Lecture, Penn State, 7 April 2015. DRAFT of 28 March 2015.

Commentary on John Stewart, "An enquiry concerning the nature of conceptual categories". July 2014.

Naturalism in the Continental Tradition. With Keith Ansell Pearson, August 2014.

Foucault on Neoliberalism and the Art of Governing. Extract from 2009 piece on F and neoliberalism, Nov 2013.

Darwin, Disaster, and War: Comments on Prosociality. American Political Science Association (APSA paper), August 2013.

La méthodologie et l'ontologie deleuzienne de Foucault. French version, expanded and improved upon, of draft dated 17 Jan 2013 below. Revised, 29 May 2013.

Long version of a review of Manuel DeLanda, Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy. Slightly revised and expanded from the version that appeared in 2003 in Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. 14 March 2013.

On the Warrior Body. Excerpt from Political Affect; 3 March 2013.

Plato, Political Affect, and Lullabies. Draft of 11 February 2013.

"Political Emotion," in Christian von Scheve and Mikko Salmela, eds. Collective Emotions Oxford University Press, 2014. 3 Feb 2013

Foucault's Deleuzean Methodology of the late 1970s. Draft of 17 January 2013.

Development of Three Themes in Richard Shusterman's somaesthetics project. Draft of 30 September 2012.

Canguilhem's geo-bio-social multiplicity. Draft expanded version of Warwick paper below.

Draft: Preface and Overview of Life, War, Earth: Deleuze and the Sciences. Forthcoming from University of Minnesota Press (2013). Draft of 9 August 2012.

Draft: Adaptation and adaptivity in Canguilhem. Draft of paper at "The Normal and the Pathological" workshop at University of Warwick, 27-28 September 2011. Draft of 18 September 2011.

Draft: Deleuze and Life. Draft of article forthcoming in Cambridge Companion to Deleuze, ed. by Henry Somers-Hall and Daniel W Smith. Draft of 11 July 2011.

Draft: Out of Our Heads and Into Society: Remarks on the political economy of consciousness. Draft of paper in conjunction with the Hugues Leblanc lectures delivered by Alva Noë at UQAM, 19 March 2011. Draft of 9 March 2011.

Draft: Population Thinking: Difference and Development in the Socially Extended Mind. Draft of paper for Socially Extended Mind workshop, Free University Berlin, 21-22 March 2011. Draft of 6 Feb 2011.

Drafts: "War" and "Body," forthcoming in The Foucault Lexicon, eds. Leonard Lawlor and John Nale. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 4 January 2011.

Draft: "Deleuze and West-Eberhard: The Virtual Status of “Unexpressed Genetic Variation." Draft of APA Eastern talk. Updated version: 22 December 2010.

Draft: "Mind in Life, Mind in Process: Toward a New Transcendental Aesthetic and a New Question of Panpsychism". Article version of the conference talk below. Cleaner prose, better reference system, etc. 25 October 2010.

Draft: "Deleuze, Jonas and Thompson: Toward a New Transcendental Aesthetic and a New Question of Panpsychism". Conference talks at CSCP and SPEP this fall. Originally uploaded 29 August 2010. Slight revision: 6 September 2010.

Translation of "Topology, chronology, and order of magnitude of physical individuation" comprising pages 146-151 of Gilbert Simondon's L'Individu et sa genèse physico-biologique (Grenoble: Millon, 1995). Academic use only; not for commercial use. 19 July 2010.

Translation of "Topology and ontogenesis" comprising pages 222-227 of Gilbert Simondon's L'Individu et sa genèse physico-biologique (Grenoble: Millon, 1995). Academic use only; not for commercial use. 17 July 2010.

Draft: "Preparing to Learn from Deleuze's Difference and Repetition." Draft of version that appeared in Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry (Nepal) Winter 2010, Vol. 5, No. 11: 35-45. 8 July 2010.

Draft: "Adding Deleuze to the Mix". (Deleuze and the 4EA approach to cognitive science.) Forthcoming in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 8 July 2010

Draft: "Deleuze and Wexler: Thinking Brain, Body, and Affect in Social Context". 12 February 2010

Notes on Philip Mirowski: "Defining Neoliberalism" 23 January 2010

Larval subjects, enaction, and E. coli chemotaxis. Draft of a paper for Deleuze and the Body, eds. Laura Guillaume and Joe Hughes. Edinburgh University Press. 1 January 2010.

Abstract of a paper on Proscial Behavior in Disasters. 19 December 2009.

Notes on Deleuze and Human Nature. 19 December 2009.

What does Foucault think is new about neoliberalism?. 28 June 2009. Final draft. Forthcoming in vol. 21 of Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy.

New version of a talk on the Terri Schiavo case. 4 February 2009.

Article for Theory & Event 13.3 (September 2010), special issue on "Deleuze and War". 15 January 2009.

Deleuze and Cognitive Science. A conference paper for the First Annual Deleuze Studies conference at Cardiff University in August 2008. Revised draft of 17 August 2008.

Three lectures on Deleuze and biology. To be delivered at the 2nd "Deleuze Camp" at Cardiff University in August 2008. Draft of 30 July 2008.

Philosophy of Consciousness and the Body. Forthcoming in Beth Lord and John Mullarkey, eds. Continuum Companion to Continental Philosophy. 2 July 2008.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on Gilles Deleuze. Co-authored with Dan Smith (Philosophy, Purdue). 23 May 2008.

Affect, Agency and Responsibility: The Act of Killing in the Age of Cyborgs. Final draft of 27 Oct 2007. Published in Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7.3 (2008): 405-13.

Beyond Autopoiesis: Inflections of Emergence and Politics in Francisco Varela's Work. Draft 31 July 2007

Water Paper presented at the Deleuze Conference at University of South Carolina, April 2007

Biopolitics and Biopower: Agamben and Foucault. Draft 7 March 2006.

Katrina. Draft 1 November 2005 (pdf)

The Schiavo Case: Deleuzean Jurisprudence, Biopower, and Privacy as Singularity. Draft 9 July 2005

Deleuze, Guattari and Emergence. Draft 19 February 2005

Evelyn Fox Keller. From The Edinburgh Dictionary of Continental Philosophy (2005).

Derrida's Love of Philosophy. Roundtable on Derrida's Legacy: Tulane University, 19 Nov 2004

Between Geophilosophy and Political Physiology (3 October 2004) / version française

Political Physiology in High School: Columbine and After (new version 15 Aug 2004)

Some Remarks on Empire. Draft, 24 Sept 2003

A Discussion between Manuel DeLanda, John Protevi, and Torkild Thanem. April 2003

What's New, What's Left, What's the New Left on Campus after September 11th? Talk, 7 Feb 2002

Love in Between Derrida and Deleuze, ed. Paul Patton and John Protevi (London: Continuum Press, 2002)

Introduction  to Political Physics: Deleuze, Derrida and the Body Politic (London: Athlone Press, 2001)

The Organism as Judgment of God: Aristotle, Kant, Deleuze on Nature in Deleuze and Religion, ed. Mary Bryden (London: Routledge, 2001).

The Geophilosophies of Deleuze and Guattari Paper presented at SEDAAG (Southeastern Division of the Association of American Geographers), November 2001

A Problem of Pure Matter: Fascist Nihilism in A Thousand Plateaus.(2000)


Deleuze and Guattari

Deleuze and Guattari Resources

Manuel DeLanda

Lectures on the Philosophy of Matter

An Interview with DeLanda

More interviews and essays

Brian Massumi

Brian Massumi on the Web